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Nikon Picture Control Editor
Настройка фотокамеры: что такое Picture Control
Nikon Picture Control Editor
Настройка фотокамеры: что такое Picture Control
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CCTV (China Central Television) broadcasted a report on the defective D600 camera and today many major news agencies all over the world are basically killing Nikon's reputation and even driving the company's stock down...комментарий.
I spent $1,100 to get a full set when J1 came out, still a good camera, but the price dropped to next to nothing, so this time, I am not going to buy it no matter how much better it is.
$1196.95 for a $500 camera... Is Nikon living under a rock? The a6000 is looking really great right about now...
$1200?!? I'll take a D7100 pleases. Or a Fuji X100s. Plenty of alternatives at this price range.
Agree. It is not worth for 2.7x crop small sensor camera at the price range. Sony and Fuji are done better in the mirrorless system
Not to mention that they changed the batteries again! V1 used the great EN-EL-15V2 used EN-EL21V3 uses EN-EL20a
Annnd.. I thought Nikon would price it crazy high at $1000 with the evf.. $1200? And $1000 for a 70-300mm f4.5-5.6 lens?? Nikon must be completely oblivious to the rest of the market.ИМХО, камера сильно переоценена - предыдущий печальный опыт продажи камер серии 1 видимо не рассматривался при ценообразовании V3.